Tuesday, August 24, 2010

8/25 California Stem Cell Report

    California Stem Cell Report    
California Radio Talk Show on hESC Ruling
August 24, 2010 at 8:34 PM
Art Torres, co-vice chairman of the California stem cell agency, will be one of the guests on a radio talk show tomorrow at 9 a.m. PDT on station KQED in San Francisco dealing with this week's hESC ruling. You can listen to the program live on the Internet. The station said, "National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins said Tuesday that the recent court ruling blocking federally
The Latest from the NIH re the hESC Ruling
August 24, 2010 at 7:59 PM
UC Davis stem cell research Paul Knoepfler this afternoon reported on the latest from the NIH on the federal court ruling on hESC research. Writing on his blog, he quoted the text of the statement and then offered a comment. "Pursuant to a court order issued August 23, 2010, NIH is not accepting submissions of information about human embryonic stem cell lines for NIH review. All review of human
Media Coverage: Political and Research Implications of hESC Ruling
August 24, 2010 at 11:26 AM
Here are some excerpts and links to interesting coverage of yesterday's federal court ruling on stem cell research. Text of the judge's ruling from the Washington Post. Wall Street Journal, Laura Meckler, Gautam Naik and Brent Kendall on election year politics and more. "It also could inject the divisive issue into election-year politics and spark discussion in Congress whether to try to
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